It Happened in Shropshire

by Bob Burrows

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It Happened in Shropshire is a vibrant and compelling account of the county’s diverse heritage; its heroes, its battles, its discoveries, its crimes.

Bob Burrows’s highly readable prose transports the reader through time, racing across the landscape of Shropshire’s past from the woolly mammoths of 10,000 BC, the Roman occupation of Wroxeter and the Battle of Shrewsbury, to the Industrial Revolution and to the sporting achievements and murderous exploits of recent years.

The book celebrates Salopians of national renown such as Charles Darwin, Clive of India, Wilfred Owen and Percy Thrower, as well as commemorating the accidents and disasters of:

  • Shropshire’s ghostly past…and present
  • The legends of ‘Mad Jack’ Mytton and the charismatic outlaw Sir Humphrey Kynaston
  • A celebration of Salopian sporting champions: Ian Woosnam, Sandy Lyle, Richie Woodhall, Billy Wright
  • Shropshire’s notorious and also its heroic vicars
  • The 'Black Panther’ and other Salopian murderers exposed


44 Black & white photographs, 1 Maps


Mar 18, 2010


About the Author:

Bob, a retired Area Director of Lloyds TSB Bank, took up writing as a hobby in 2001. To date he has had almost 100 articles published in magazines and newspapers and he has written eight books. His first, Fighter Writer the biography of a First World War poet was launched at the Imperial War Museum in London and he was nominated for the Saltire award in two categories.

Bob lives in a Macclesfield, Cheshire with his wife Pat. The proud father of two and an even prouder grandfather of two he is a sports fanatic.

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