The WI Country Woman's Year 1960
by Shirley Paget
A great deal has happened to change the lives of women living in the countryside since 1960 when this book was last published, and it is fascinating to note these changes.
But we have since lost or forgotten so many rural skills and pleasures. Following the four seasons, here are dozens of different tasks and hobbies re-discovered in this WI Country Woman’s Year:
• cider and mead-making
• Durham quilting
• indoor bulb planting
• flower arranging basics
• wallpapering
• making Christmas decorations
• smocking
• painting for pleasure – and of course jam-making!
Six decades on, modern readers may no longer wish to live like their countryside sisters of two generations ago, but they will be struck by the happy gusto with which the then-450,000 members of the WI went about enjoying their busy country lives throughout the year.
**special retro real-cloth cover**
149 Black & white illustrations
Sep 05, 2017
About the Author:
Dame Shirley Paget to all who knew her, Elizabeth Shirley Vaughan Paget, Marchioness of Anglesey (1924-17) first worked in the Foreign Office. She was a keen member of the WI and later became President of the National Federation of Women’s Institutes 1966-69. She had five children and was invested as CBE, DBE and LVO.
At various points in her busy life, Dame Paget was also Chairman of the Broadcasting Complaints Commission, Chairman of the drama and dance advisory committee of the British Council; and a vice-chairman of the Museums and Galleries Commission.