Super Deluxe Leather Bound - Limited Edition of The Klink

Posted by Lydia Unwin on

Production is underway. We have a very limited number of a Super Deluxe edition of The Klink, a new book by Hans van Klinken on his creation and use of The Klinkhamer, perfected over many years and found in almost every flybox internationally. 

This special edition is bound in quality green leather with a silk ribbon marker, all deluxe copies are handmade by the craftspeople at the Ludlow Bookbinders. The book will be housed in a custom made Solander Box, containing your signed and numbered leather copy of The Klink by Hans van Klinken, and an inlayed box containing two Klinkhamer flies tied by Hans himself. The fly box and book have specially commissioned marbled papers and black Suedel lining. The book and boxes have silver and black blocking and bespoke artwork of a Klinkhamer fly.

Follow us on social media for updates about the book and when you can order your Super Deluxe copy. 

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