News — dogs
Taught by Dogs, a book that brought unexpected comfort to a reviewer who recently lost her beloved pet dog...
Posted by Lydia Unwin on

'Whether you're a fan of dogs or not, I can't recommend this book enough as a funny tale of life on a family farm surrounded by some very eccentric characters - human and dog alike. I've put the link to buy it in the comments in case you want to get a copy for the crazy dog person in your life'. Caroline Stocks, agricultural journalist and editor.
Posted by Lydia Unwin on

We have four new books published today. We hope you will enjoy them as much as we have, it is a pleasure to work with author we know and love, as well as getting to know new writers and to share their work.
We bring you an eagerly awaited book by Barry Ord Clarke. The Feather Bender's Advanced Flytying Techniques. This book continues his teaching of new flytying skills through comprehensive instruction and tying sequences. As with his last books, the innovative addition of a QR code takes the reader to Barry's YouTube channel for each pattern, to help you visually if you get stuck.
Laurence Catlow returns with Testament of a Trout Fisher, this is an elegantly written and thoughtful account of why flyfishing means so much to him. He is one of the finest classical flyfishing writers of our times, and this new book will undoubtedly strike a chord with all who take pleasure from fishing.
Death of a Dealer is a gripping thriller, the fourth by D. P. Hart-Davis, following DCI Robb on his latest investigation. A colourful, characterful parade of horses and riders fills the pages of this action-packed thriller. This is a book you won't want to put down.
And finally, we have a new author to introduce... Colin Whittemore with his book, Taught by Dogs. Colin was brought up on a farm, and his life was interwoven with dogs from the start. He writes movingly about both working and family dogs in his life who have bonded humans together, seen them through hardships, shown wisdom often lacking in their owners, and given so much more than they have taken.
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- Tags: countryside, dog book, dogs, flyfishing, flytying, memoirs, New Book, new skills
The only guide you need to train a new puppy
Posted by Lydia Unwin on

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- Tags: Dog training, dogs, New Puppy, Puppy, Puppy Training
Save the Date: African Wild Dogs United February 2022
Posted by Lydia Unwin on

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- Tags: Africa, African Wild Dog, Conservation, dogs, Lecture, wild dogs
Dog Photo Competition, send us your photos now!
Posted by Lydia Unwin on

Selected winning photos will be published in our upcoming book by author Anna Levin, a book in celebration of dogs and the impact they have on our lives.
Please send us your best photos, this competition ends 30th April, to:
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- Tags: Dog, Dogs, Photo Competition, Photography