Blackberry with Pancakes from Eat your Weeds - a book that celebrates nature's bounty

Posted by Lydia Unwin on

From Eat your Weeds by Julie and Matthew Bruton-Seal with over 180 delicious sweet and savory recipes with weeds as the star ingredient.  

We use the name blackberry (Rubus fruticosus agg.) in this book but might have opted for the everyday name bramble. The king of weeds, whose tasty berries tempt us to put up with its rampant ways. Going brambling is one of the few remaining communal or family foraging activities that draw us into the wild.

Cook fresh blackberries lightly with some sugar to make the perfect topping for fluffy American-style breakfast pancakes. Frozen blackberries can also be used, but the juices might need to cook a bit longer to thicken.

Makes 6 pancakes.

For the pancakes, mix 150g (1¼ cups) spelt or wheat flour with 37g (¼ cup) gram flour (or chickpea/garbanzo flour), 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2 tablespoons demerara sugar and ½ teaspoon salt.

Stir in 250ml (1 cup) water, 1 teaspoon vinegar and 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, just until mixed.

Pour spoonfuls of batter into a hot, lightly oiled skillet to make 10–12cm (4- or 5-inch) pancakes. When bubbles have come to the surface and broken, and the pancake is set around the edges, turn the pancake over and cook the other side until golden. Keep the pancakes warm while you cook the rest of the batter.

Heat a couple of cups of blackberries in a saucepan with a little sugar (2 to 4 tablespoons of light brown sugar or coconut nectar sugar). Cook for just long enough for the juice to come out of the blackberries and thicken into a syrup. Serve a stack of pancakes with the blackberry mixture poured over the top.

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