Meryl Harrison will attend the Ada Lovelace Festival

Posted by Lydia Unwin on

Meryl Harrison will attend the Ada Lovelace Festival
Cream Tea with Inspirational Women
9 October @ 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm (£8)

Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) was a mathematician and writer. She is best known for her work on Charles Babbage’s “Analytical Engine”, recognising that it had applications beyond pure calculation and seeing the full potential of a “computing machine”. She is regarded as being the first computer programmer and her achievements are recognised every year with a celebration of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) on International Ada Lovelace Day.

Ada Lovelace also has a connection to Porlock, having lived at Ashley Combe, Porlock Weir, now sadly gone. Porlock celebrates the day, and the local connection, by inviting women from all walks of life to share their inspiring stories and achievements. This year’s speakers are Serrie Chapman, Principal Safety Engineer at Fusion Processing, Meryl Harrison, former Chief Inspector at the Zimbabwe National Society for the Protection of Animals, Dr Annela Seddon, Associate Professor in Physics at Bristol University and Jacqueline Shave, leader of Britten Sinfonia.

Meryl's story is published in Innocent Victims

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