A recipe for blackberry leaf tea from Hedgerow Medicine

Posted by Lydia Unwin on

In Hedgerow Medicine there is a chapter of the much loved blackberry, growing in our hedgerows now. Here is a recipe from the book and a few interesting facts:

'We recommend you revive or continue the wild-picking habit because blackberries are so good for you and can be found almost everywhere.

'Highlanders in Scotland had a high opinion of blackberry. Its Gaelic name was an druise bennaichte, meaning ‘blessed bramble’.

'The leaf tea is like a green tea, pleasant but with a tannin feel. It is also a welcome relief for problems of the mouth, such as ulcers and gum disease. It was once thought to strengthen teeth, and is an old remedy for soothing sore throats and treating colds and anaemia. When cool, the tea makes a good skin lotion.'

Bramble leaf tea

Bramble leaves should be picked in spring and summer while they are fresh and green. They can be used fresh for tea in season, or can be dried for the winter. Dry them in a shady place or indoors, until the leaves are brittle and crumble easily. Store in brown paper bags or in jars in a cool, dark place.

To make the tea, put a few fresh leaves or a rounded teaspoonful of crumbled dry leaves in a teapot. Pour on a mugful of boiling water, and allow to infuse for about 5 minutes, then strain and drink.

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